Time Management Tips

There are just 24 hours in a day for everybody else, but for Chartered Accountant it is a slightly different perspective. Amongst professionals, accounting and finance people are those who are constantly at war with time, and often wonder how to manage time efficiently. Here are few time management tips that are particularly curated for chartered accountants.

1. Scheduling Tasks

A significant time management tip that helps in reducing a considerable amount of pressure on accountants is scheduling your tasks. With a number of innumerous and intricate tasks marking the day of an accountant’s life, planning them strategically will help you to get through the tasks.

Consistently scheduling your tasks on the basis of deadlines and priorities, through well-planned to-do lists, will not only increase efficiency but also will help in speedy completion of these tasks. Schedule your tasks based on the priority, duration it takes for its completion, deadlines, client expectation, seasonal urgency, etc,. This  way each and every task of yours will be accounted for.

Here is a time management tip – For scheduling your task and keeping track of it, you could use any latest calendaring or time tracking system. Many of the latest work management software come with these built-in time management features.

2. Prioritizing Important Tasks

After scheduling comes prioritizing the important tasks. An accountant’s day is not only filled with complicated tax issues, the complex auditing process, and other composite accounting tasks, but also with less significant tasks like document filing and management, compliance management, etc. To handle through such a vast array of your day-to-day tasks you should prioritize them in the order of their importance while you plan your day.

Spend some time every morning to structure your to-do list in such a way that your most critical work finds precedence followed by your normal day to day activities. While planning the to-do list, an important time management skill that comes in handy is to ascertain and segregate your low value and high-value tasks.

Here is time management tip – By using the latest time management software and work management software, you can easily patch your low-value tasks like replying to emails from clients , tracking status, etc between your high-value tasks that involve core accounting. This way you spread out your work so that it won’t tell upon your time and energy.

3. Handling your information

Another important time management skill is sorting all your data and saving them in an orderly manner. This you could easily achieve by having a work management software that keeps in track important and critical information like client details, compliance management, project status, invoice, etc. By arranging your information in a particular order you won’t get sidetracked from your planned work when suddenly you require some information pertaining to the task you are working on like client information, invoice status etc.

Here is a time management tip – By using appropriate work management software, you could easily sort through information and store them under separate categories whose retrieval is just a few clicks away, thus saving your time. Also, these software offer a range of other helpful options like knowing exactly what every team member has to contribute thereby reducing the confusion caused by communication gap, reducing your paperwork by digitalising all your information etc, thereby saving precious time for both you and your team.  

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