Employee empowerment

Tips To Empower The Employee In The Workplace

An organization or a firm is an intricate system built to cater to the needs of the market and clients. It’s an umbrella hosting individuals and teams that work in unison towards a common goal. An organization, in its journey towards excellence and opportunities should never neglect the building blocks that form the firm, that...

Task List

How To Properly Utilize The Task List To Complete ...

There are so many diversions in this fast paced world. It is easy to lose track of the numerous things that we have to do on any particular day. Managing and compartmentalizing the ‘to do list’ has become a prominent way of handling number of tasks without losing track. Having a so called ‘task list’...

Chartered accountant firm Success

How to make your Chartered Accountant firm stand o...

Chartered accountant world revolves around clients and deadlines. Unlike other fields of client services, 90% of the work in a CA firm is seasonal. Needless to say, it is up to the chartered accountant firm to plan and execute effectively so that the work gets done in a timely and orderly fashion. No client would...

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